Thursday, May 31, 2012

FW: [esatsang] Esatsang digest for May 24 2012

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On Behalf Of Esatsang
Sent: 25 May 2012 11:58
Subject: [esatsang] Esatsang digest for May 24 2012

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1. Sahaj Samadhi (Effortless Meditation) Morning Course at Byculla - 25-27th

2. Upcoming Live Satsang webcasts from India!

3. PAID position as english teacher for Art of Living network


From: Rachit Garg <>
Date: Wed, May 23, 2012 at 10:36 PM
Subject: Sahaj Samadhi (Effortless Meditation) Morning Course at Byculla -
25-27th May

In today's busy (and stressful) life, we are often told that we should
meditate regularly to bring peace and calm to our body and mind, and hence
more productivity and results from our actions, at home, or work!! How
though? Who will teach me?

The answer is in Art of Living's unique SAHAJ SAMADHI (effortless
meditation) course, the next one is happening at Byculla, from 25th-27th
May, in Morning. Call Nitika (9892454954), Guptaji (9821574052), Anuj
(9702038202). Learn how to meditate effortlessly by giving just 6-7 hours of
your time, over 3 days, and find the path to an inner serenity never
experienced before! Do not miss it. Let your friends/family around the area
know as well!


Everyone has experienced a meditative state in moments of deep joy, or when
completely engrossed in an activity, when just for a moment the mind becomes
so light and at ease. While we have such moments, we are unable to repeat
them at will. The Sahaj Samadhi course teaches you how. This meditation
technique almost instantly alleviates the practitioner from stress-related
problems, deeply relaxes the mind and rejuvenates the system.

Sahaj is a Sanskrit word that means natural or effortless. Samadhi is a
deep, blissful, meditative state. Sahaj Samadhi meditation is a natural,
effortless system of meditation.

Regular practise of the Sahaj Samadhi can totally transform the quality of
one's life, by culturing the system to maintain the peace, energy and
expanded awareness throughout the day. These meditation techniques combined
with yogic practises can ensure good health and a calm mind.

Meditation allows the conscious mind to settle deeply in the Self, giving it
rest When the mind settles down, it lets go of all tension, making one
healthy and focused

How does Sahaj Samadhi meditation work?

The participant is taught to use a simple sound mentally which allows the
mind to settle down and go within. When the mind and nervous system are
allowed to repose a few moments in the profound silence, the blocks that
clog the system and our progress gradually dissolve.

How does reposing in the Self help in day-to-day life

When a river is calm, its reflection is clearer. When the mind is calm,
there is greater clarity in the field of expression. Our powers of
observation, perception and expression improve. As a result we are able to
communicate effectively and clearly.

Why do I need a mantra?

In Sanskrit, a mantra is described as, "Manana trayate iti mantra.". Iti
Mantra is that which saves you from repetitiveness. A repetitive thought is
a worry. Mantras help to free you from worries.


From: Harshal Jadhav <>
Date: Wed, May 23, 2012 at 7:10 AM
Subject: Upcoming Live Satsang webcasts from India!

23 - 28 May 2012 & 1 June - 8 June 2012 - 7 pm IST

Watch the live webcasts of Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar from Bangalore
Ashram on

The date and time of all webcasts is published in the upcoming webcast
section on the link on right side of this page

If you wish to have the transcript of these satsangs emailed to you after
satsang, you can subscribe on

Share with All. Any change in schedule will be notified in the same link as


From: Camille A. <>
Date: Fri, May 4, 2012 at 12:29 AM
Subject: PAID position as english teacher for Art of Living network

Mrs. Raffaella Falletta is looking for an Art of Livng connected person who
is as well an english teacher - native mother tongue - for a paid position
in Italy for the summer 2012. Mrs. Raffaella mentioned to me that it is an
opportunity to promote AOL courses in the Italian village among the parents
and children.

Please see below her message. Could you please forward her message through
esatsang? Thanks JGD

"The AOL people would probably be the best for the project we organize
because of their enthusiasm, friendship to everybody and all experience and
knowledge they have collected, to inspire Italian children in schools.

The activity we are organising is a summer camp in English for Italian
children aged 6-10-11. It is a small group of 10-11 people living in a
beautiful and quiet place, a little village not very far from Milan. The
Association we are cooperating with is settled in this cosy village and is
made up of parents working togheter for different educational purposes and
aspects involving children. The teacher will be hosted by an Italian family
or by an Italian teacher who will be really happy to welcome them.

The period is from June to July and eventually even in the last week of
August/first two of September if the minimum number of children will be
reached. The teacher will have at their disposal all the educational and
entertainment material to do their job and one week before the camp starts
they will be specifically trained for this project.
All the expenses are covered.

The people we are looking for are mothertongue experienced and graduated
English teachers from 20 to 30-33 years of age with also former experiences
with children or even with art/music/theatre aptitudes (this is not the
first purpose of the tutor qualities, i t can also not be necessary). The
most important thing is that they enjoy teaching and spending funny,
memorable times with children...they have to be absolutely happy about it!

For all these reasons I think it would also be fantastic to introduce among
the differnent games/entertaining activities a simple/nice section dedicated
yoga practices for them to learn it in an easy and funny way. "

Should you have further questions or interest about this offer please
contact Mrs. Raffaella directly:
on her email: or phone : +39/3470985432.

If you know native english teachers in AOL, kindly forward to them.

Best Regards,

Jai Guru Dev!

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