Monday, July 27, 2009

[esatsang] Esatsang digest for July 5 2009

Subject: [Daily Sutra} Life

Everywhere in creation, it's all filled with life, life, life---everywhere

Translations and Previous Sutras:

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Topics in this edition

1. Guru Poornima special: Live webcast of the satsangs with Sri Sri in Chicago

2. Sri Sri Ayurved Wellness center in Pune!

3. International Part 2 Course With Sri Sri - MElbourne

4. Sri Sri Yoga TTC Phase 1 & Phase 2 in Mauritius


6.News: IUB decides to go 'moral' across varsities

7.Sri Sri Centre For Media Studies

8.International YES! & YES!+ Camps at International Art of Living Center
Taraska in Poland

From: Art of Living webteam.intl <>
Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 6:49 PM
Subject: Guru Poornima special: Live webcast of the satsangs with Sri Sri in

The Guru poornima webcast team is happy to present High Quality Live webcast of
Gurupoornima and Satsangs starting July 5th.
You can watch the webcast by signing up for the event.

Pls provide your valuble feedback after the event. You can follow us on twitter
for updates
Jai Guru Dev,
Webcast Support Team

International Website Administration
The Art Of Living
21st Km Kanakpura Road


From: harshal jadhav <>
Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 8:02 PM
Subject: Sri Sri Ayurved Wellness center in Pune!

Good news: Sri Sri Wellness center has been started in Pune!

Pls visit for details

With Love

Explore the amazing avenues of Yoga!

Experience the POWER Of Meditation!

Art Of Living Pune - updates

From: Sarat Sharma <>
Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 5:35 PM
Subject: International Part 2 Course With Sri Sri - MElbourne

International Part2 Advanced Course with Sri Sri, to be held between 4th - 8th
December 2009, Melbourne, Australia.

Advanced course is a perfect vacation for your mind and body and an
extraordinary experience if done in the presence of Guruji.

Come and treat yourself to a lifetime opportunity, a chance never to be missed.
The course is being held in a 4.5 star Resort, away from City chaos and
traffic, where you can dive deep in to yourself and rejuvenate your mind and
body. Fully landscaped and close to beaches & nature, this place has a perfect
auroa to rediscover yourself.

Yes - it could not have been a better summer vacation!!! So come and experience
the power of silence in the presence of Guruji.

Places are limited and on a first come basis, REGISTER NOW!!!!!, Early bird
ends 15th August 2009.

Visit for details and online registrations.

Love & Jai Gurudev
Art of Living - Australia.


From: Seeven Pillay <>
Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 9:26 AM
Subject: Sri Sri Yoga TTC Phase 1 & Phase 2 in Mauritius

Sri Sri Yoga Teacher's Training Course Phase 1 & Phase 2 in MAURITIUS

At the special request of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a Senior Teacher
from Bangalore Ashram will conduct the Sri Sri Yoga Teacher's Training Course
(Phase I & Phase II) in Mauritius.

After successful completion of the TTC Course, participants will become Sri Sri
Yoga Teacher and will be allowed to teach yoga courses in Mauritius. The
programme details will be as follows:-

Venue: AOL Centre Wooton, Mauritius
Dates: Saturday 01 – Saturday 15 August 2009

Times: 05h30 am – 10h00 pm

Basic AOL Part 1 + a minimum of 1 AOL Part 2 (Advanced)
Requirements: (Participants having attended more than 1 Advanced Course
and/or DSN Course and/or Sri Sri Yoga Course will be given priority)

Note: Participants should attend all sessions.
Seats are limited & Pre-Registration is Compulsory.
Basis: First Come First Serve

volunteers are requested to pre-register participants by the 20th of July 2009.
The attached Registration Form, duly filled, need to be sent by email to Seeven



From: Bureau Art de Vivre <>
Date: Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 8:41 AM
Subject: YES+ in France.... JUST COME and BECOME THE NEW LEGEND

Here it is an opportunity for youth to overcome their obstacle and find their
inner strengh in the most beautifull and funny experience.... YES+
It will happen from the 10th to the 14th of july.... means in less than one
week... in the most legendary place of the world, Broceliande, the Forest of
the King Arthur and the famous Merlin the Wizard !
Just come and create the new legend :)
The course will be taught by the most legendary teachers Deepali Patel,
Stéphane Ayrault et Stéphanie Launay.
Contact us to get the application form :
Tél : 0033 1 49 29 05 21
Mob. : 0033 6 63 73 64 30


From: Dr Sujeet N Charugulla <>
Date: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 2:25 AM
Subject: News: IUB decides to go 'moral' across varsities

IUB decides to go 'moral' across varsities

BELGAUM: College students across the state can now learn the 'Art of
Living', after the Inter University Board (IUB) decided to take the Art of
Living Foundation's help to design a yoga and moral education module for all
universities across the state.
The IUB took the decision on Tuesday after a presentation made by Sri Sri Sri
Ravi Shankar's organisation to the Board.
Announcing the decision, Higher Education Minister Aravind Limbavali said that
the college module will be based on the Art of Living Foundation's Youth
Empowerment Seminar Plus (YES+) course.
The main aspects of the program will include four components-- Physical,
Mental, Social and Emotional. ``The course is popular in several universities
abroad, and we have decided to have it in our universities in the upcoming
year,'' said Limbavali.
Collegiate Education commissioner Dr N Nagambika Devi has been asked to prepare
a syllabus and submit it within a month.
The IUB is the highest decision making body for higher education comprising of
Vice-Chancellors of all universities in the state along with bureaucrats from
concerned departments.

More @ http://www.expressbuzz


From: Devi Raajan Nair <>
Date: Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 2:10 AM
Subject: Sri Sri Centre For Media Studies

Greetings from Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies. Sri Sri Centre for Media
Studies based in Bangalore is an institute for Journalism Studies. As the
saying goes, "The pen is mightier that the sword", a journalist with his
words has the power to influence the opinion of a society as a whole. SSCMS was
established in 2001 to emphasise on Gurudev's vision for a Divya Samaj. Our
core principle is to promote reporting based on FACT, ie., FAIRNESS, ACCURACY,
COMPREHENSIVE, TRUTH. With this in mind our students are trained in human
values, sensitive & sensible reporting which becomes an integrated part of
maintaining a divine society.
Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies aims to impart student centric knowledge about
media & to develop dynamism, courage, self confidence & a sense of adventure in
each individual. With faculty from the Media Industry, the curriculum and
syllabus are in tune with the Industry demands. The institute focuses on
imparting knowledge with the right mix of theory and practical work.
Our alumni are placed in prestigious news rooms such as The Times of India,
Deccan Herald, The Hindu, The New India Express, Economic Times, Times of India
Kannada, Mathrubhumi, NDTV, Doordarshan, Aaj Tak,
CNN IBN, ETTV NOW!, Worldspace radio etc..
SSCMS is now open for admissions for the One year Post Graduate Diploma is
Print, Broadcast (TV & Radio) and New Media (Web/online) Journalism starting in
August 2009. Students who have completed their
graduation in any stream are eligible to apply. Those students awaiting their
degree results can also apply.
Apart from the academic criteria, students who have an aptitude and flair for
writing and an inclination to bringing about a change in the society are
welcome at SSCMS. India is in need of objective, constructive and
responsible journalists to report FACT rather than sensationalising events.
We reach out to you to spread word about our upcoming batch. Requesting you to
announce at Satsangs, follow-ups, courses etc.. We are in the process of
creating an emailer which will be sent to you shortly. It can
be used to send to various egroups, interested students, parents etc.. Looking
forward to your pro active
support in working towards Gurudev's vision.
Admission Open
Course offered: One Year PG Diploma in Print, Broadcast and New Media
Course commencement: August 10th 2009
Fees: Rs. 1,30,000/- (One lakh thirty thousand only).
Hostel facility with food: offered to outstation students on request.
Contact Details:
Devi -+91-9980516690
Email: Website:


From: Center Poland <>
Date: 2009/7/5
Subject: International YES! & YES!+ Camps at International Art of Living Center
Taraska in Poland

...while reading enjoy: ;)

It is a pleasure for us to invite You for the two amazing events: YES!+
(age:19 – 35) and YES! (14 – 18) courses at International Art Of Living
Center Taraska in Poland.

Ashram is situated in the middle of the National Park.

Nearby there is a "magic place" where two highest class of purity rivers are
merging in to the one.

Why magic? we know, but we won't tell you. :)
– Experience that yourself!!!

Dates of Summer Camps:

YES!+ 17th – 21st July 2009 (for people in age:19 – 35)

YES! 23rd – 30th August 2009 (for people in age: 14 – 18)

Full pricelists both camps are in application forms in enclosure!

In the Centre you have opportunity to take awesome and wonderful ayurvedic
massages and treatments,

that will give you wonderfull experience: peace of mind and body relaxation.

We are looking forward to meet all of you! ;)

Please forward this email to anyone that might be interested,

With love,
YES!+ & YES! team

Clementine Zielińska
Fundacja Art of Living Polska
Centrum w Tarasce - Biuro

Taraska 19a, 26-337 Aleksandrów k/Opoczna
tel: 00 48 44 756 90 18
fax: 00 48 44 756 90 29

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