Friday, July 31, 2009

[esatsang] Esatsang digest for July 31 2009

Subject: [Daily Sutra} Who's Who

You are as important in this creation as God, not less important.

Translations and Previous Sutras:

For esatsang list subscribes, please email from the email address that
you want subscribed.

For esatsang list unsubscribes, please email from the email address that
you want unsubscribed.

Topics in this edition

1. JOURNEY TO PARADISE---- in Hardwar & win free IPOD

2. Designer needed in German Ashram


4. What Sri Sri said today: July 27


6. Sri Sri Yoga @ Madiwala, Bangalore

7.Urgent Message from German Ashram

8. whats happening in dar es salaam!!

9. Lay A Brick Project


Subject: JOURNEY TO PARADISE---- in Hardwar & win free IPOD

A Man bought a lottery ticket for Rs.750 & he won a ticket to PARADISE.
He passed information to his friends. They all bought lottery tickets & they
won the ticket to PARADISE.
So the news spread & there is mad rush for tickets to Paradise. Some one asked
how was the experience ?.
He replied---- just buy the ticket & Experience the Kingdom of Paradise.

Art Of Living Healing Breath Workshop.
From 3.8.09. to 8.8.09 at Bal Bhavan, BHEL Sect-1
Time. 5.30PM to 8 PM

Lottery Ticket Sale Team
Hurry up ,few days are left & There are Limited tickets only so buy before 2nd
Suresh Bhardwaj (Block-1 )—9411111646
Sant Kumar ( QM )------------9411100246
Ajaipal Singh ( ITX )----------9410395706
Raj Kumar Narang ( PNB )---9760023153
Tejinder Singh Kainth---------- 9411111589
(Incharge Art Of Living Chapter Hardwar )
Also get a surprise gift free IPOD
In this course participants learn the practical tools to become more
peaceful & relaxed at the same time and excel in all areas of Life. Uniqueness
about this course is that all will get one free IPOD (Inner Peace and Outer
Dynamism) and the Driving Range is usually right into the deepest layer of our
inner SOUL.

Tejinder Singh Kainth
Art Of Living Hardwar


From: Seema Khanna <>
Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 8:10 AM
Subject: Designer needed in German Ashram

I am writing from the European Secretariat.

We would like to advertise on e-satsang for a graphic designer. How can we post
a message on e-satsang? I clicked on the link "Seva Resources", but it was not

Best wishes,

Seema Khanna
International Association for Human Values, Europe
+49 7804 973 963


From: Emily Lifton <>
Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 7:31 AM

*** Charge up your batteries before Labor
In a weeks time we will be luxuriating on the shores of Lake
One of the Natural Wonders of North America and
A place that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said is one of the few
places where the VEDAS flow freely.
NEW SPECIAL OFFER-WEEKEND ONLY Aug. 7-9 Individuals and Groups-Families and
young adults are welcome
for only $150
$60 for an additional day
See the venue-
Here we will be reading from Swami Venkatesanananda's Yoga Vasistha, listening
to our Guru Dev commentary on the Bhagavad Gita
Daily sadhana- early morning pooja, morning yoga with Emily Lifton and daily
knowledge sessions with Bill Herman in this pristine nature
Preparing and eating satvic food cooked by Bill Herman, Reena Gupta and Deana
Granger, some of the most well loved Art of Living chefs!
And topping off our days with satsang for all under the stars at night!
Simultaneously YES! for 14-18 yr. olds,taught by Jenna Granger and Clay
Courchaine and
the YLTP Program for 18 and up led by Matt Scharpnick and Daniel Moss will be
going on,
(there's still room in either)
To sign up and for more information please call:
Jenna Granger 530-320-4356
Emily Lifton 530-277-8609
Matt Scharpnick 831-359-8557
Swim the camps private beach~ hike and go wildflower exploring~ look for bald
eagles and ospreys
climb up to the mountain tops or
simply BE in this beautiful spot~ An amazing opportunity not to miss!

Emily Lifton
Art of LIving Foundation
312-421-0206 home
530-277-8609 cell


From: Art of Living webteam.intl <>
Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 6:44 AM
Subject: What Sri Sri said today: July 27

What Sri Sri said today: July 27
'You are connected with nature'

Objects in the universe appear to be different but they all are linked.

In our body, ....'

To read more log onto,

In service,

International Website Administration
The Art Of Living
21st Km Kanakpura Road


From: Stéphane Ayrault <>
Date: 2009/7/28
Subject: SPECIAL ART OF LIVING PART I COURSE in PARIS, 7/8/9 August 2009


A Special course where our ONE WORLD FAMILY will gather to spread peace and joy
in the beautiful city of Paris.

From friday 7th evening to sunday 9th afternoon : Art of Living Part I Course

Saturday evening : Sound Light & Water Show in the Castle of Versaille

Monday all the day : the golden tour visit - Eiffel Tower, Sacred Heart,

Breathing course: Art of Living Course Part 1*

(price includes vegetarian meals during the course*)

One of the most comprehensive breathing technique will be taught during the
course. A unique and exceptional method to bring body, mind and breath in
harmony. The course cleanses toxins and deep rooted physical, mental and
emotional blocks from the body. It synchronises the mind and body through
rhythmic breathing. The course spread over three days offers pratical spiritual
knowledge and deep meditation through lively interactive process.

A powerful tool to reduce stress, fight depression, this course will bring
greater success and peace in your life.

NEW ! Course condensed in only one weekend
Friday evening : 7.00 pm to –10.30 pm
Saturday 10 am to 6 pm
Sunday: 10 am to 6 pm

For those who wish to stay on Monday, organized visits of Versailles and

Course fees **:

Normal price = 270 € (includes saturday and sunday lunches)

Reduced price (Low incomes/ Students/groups of at least 10 people) = 180 €
(includes saturday and sunday lunches)

Price for those who have already taken the Part 1 course : 110 € (includes
saturday and sunday lunches)

Membership (for 1 year, compulsory): 28 €. (people living in France)

**this prices don't includes the visit fees and accomodation

This exceptional course will be held by Deepali Patel, international teacher
from Bangalore, India. Deepali is also very much involved in humanitarian
projects in Cameroun, Burkina-Faso et en Côte d'Ivoire, together with Serge
Michenaud. Serge has been an active Art of Living teacher for 14 years and is
in charge of Art of Living – France's programmes. Deepali et Serge have
travelled and taught Art of Living courses to thousands of people all over the
world, on the 5 continents.


Via phone : 0033 1 40 29 05 21
Via internet : Application form online click here
You are welcome to visit our website :
To contact us :
Stéphane Ayrault
International Art of Living France
Association Internationale pour les Valeurs Humaines

Centre Art de Vivre
7 rue Morand
75011 Paris
Tél : 01 49 29 05 21
Mob. : 06 63 73 64 30


From: Manish Panchmatia <>
Date: Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:36 AM
Subject: Sri Sri Yoga @ Madiwala, Bangalore

Sri Sri Yoga course is organized in first week of August

Venue: Sri Venketeshwara College, Maruthinagar, Madiwala.
Date: 5th August to 9th August.
Time: 6 AM to 8 AM
Call: 9880644152 , 9886672380 , 9742097701

Sri Sri yoga is about 12 hour workshop. In Sri Sri yoga the wisdom and
techniques of yoga are brought to you in a very pure, joyful and thorough
manner. These techniques enable us to unite the body, breath and mind in
awareness. This bring back to your natural self an
develops all the good qualities that we were born with.

So spread the news for all people staying around Forum Shopping mall,
Kormanagala, Madiwala, BTM etc. at Bangalore

Manish Panchmatia


From: Kaushik Bhaskaran <>
Date: Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 7:45 AM
Subject: Urgent Message from German Ashram

We are organizing a grand Germany Satsang Tour with Mata Urmila Devi (of Sacred
Chants of Shiva) from 20.Aug(thurs) to 20.Sep(sun).

There is a urgent requirement for the 2 enthusiastic and professional
- 1 Tabla player,
- 1 Flute player

Boarding and lodging along with travel will be taken care of by the Ashram

Please send your applications to,

"Christoph Koellner" <>,

This is a Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be part of this unique concert and
travel with Mata Urmilaji.

Jai Gurudev,


From: Versha Pragji <>
Date: Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 5:37 AM
Subject: whats happening in dar es salaam!!!


DAR E SALAAM /TANZANIA 13 JULY 2009 Venue Mbagala spiritual

Organizer: Malindi Blight & Mr. Inder Bajaj Teacher; Versha Pragji

It has been our strong sankalpa since last year to
have a Yltp phase 1 in Dare salaam. And really this is the most amazing
experience I have had in a long time…just to see how Gurudev's grace
transformed 26 Dynamic and vibrant enthusiastic youth from different parts of
Tanzania who were so eager to learn and so open to receive knowledge ….

I was a bit reluctant as I am not fluent in Swahili and was worried that I may
not be able to carry this off….Then I realized that I'm really not the doer
it's all gurujis grace that has brought us there together and its really his
grace that transforms …were just mere instruments……

Anyway it was so uplifting to see that these youth synergize and be so
committed to making a difference in their country and villages…..12 of them
became teachers and are already organizing BWS courses….

Sincere thanks to IAHV UK for all their support and special Thanks to our
dearest Teacher Malindi who had been working with these youth since the past 8
months…inspiring them and bringing them to take responsibility for themselves
and their villages…..Also to our Amazing Chairperson Mr. Inder Bajaj who has
always supported us and been such a pillar of strength for us all…..also to
Nora one of our board members who was a total hit with youth…..We thank all
our AOL devotees and volunteers for their support and encouragement ..

The long and short is that so often we become our own obstacles using
race…language….culture…..etc as an excuse ….and ONLY GURUJIS AND HIS

Experiences of some of the youth;

Innocent; This course helped us become aware of our minds and health,and
hygiene and how important water is and being a good human being first…and
taking responsibility to change things by doing seva and becoming a teacher..I
am so grateful to guruji and aol .thank you.

Simon ; I have learnt how to work with a group and how important my practices

Miriam; I have learnt how to accept people as they are and time management

Festo; I thank the AOl family for preparing this wonderful course the
program changed allot of things in my life physically,mentally,and
spiritually.Theres so much I can't explain how great and empowered I feel. we
want to go to our village and spread this knowledge and are very happy and
grateful to aol.

Aziza; Respect for time and myself..

Alpha-How important it is to spread this knowledge and be more aware of being
friendly to our environment and doing seva…gives so much power..

Nassoro; How to accept myself and be a strong leader with good values and help
others …



Versha Pragji (Zimbabwe) and the AOL family Dare salaam/Tanzania

Art of living Teacher (International)

+263912 316 461 Zimbabwe

+254 735 777 012 Kenya
+255 773506420 Tanzania


From: Lay-A-Brick Program <>
Date: Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 2:08 AM
Subject: Lay A Brick Project


Ved Vignan Maha Vidya Peeth (VVMVP) is a Charitable Trust founded 28 years ago
by HH Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, working towards various projects for the betterment
of the society. Lay A Brick is the newest initiative of VVMVP, to facilitate
the increasing number of construction projects in our Ashrams.

You can be a part of these noble initiatives too. You can LAY A BRICK and GIFT
A FUTURE by donating in multiples of a BRICK (Cost of each BRICK – Rs.
2,500/-). This could be your way to be a part of our Ashrams and leave this
beautiful gift to the future generations.

Payment can be made in the form of a DD/Cheque in favor of "Ved Vignan Maha
Vidya Peeth" payable at Bangalore. Your donation receives tax exemption under
Sec. 80G of the Income Tax.

To know more about this beautiful initiative, please get in touch with the Lay
A Brick Desk:

Lay A Brick Desk

VVMVP Campus

21Km, Kanakpura Road, Udayapura, Bangalore -560082

Ph: +91 80 32976908

Email –

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To subscribe to the digest, send any message to:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

[esatsang] Esatsang digest for July 27 2009

Subject: [Daily Sutra} Creation

Oh, Dear, this creation is a celebration of Thy Presence.

Translations and Previous Sutras:

For esatsang list subscribes, please email from the email address that
you want subscribed.

For esatsang list unsubscribes, please email from the email address that
you want unsubscribed.

Topics in this edition

1. Admissions open for Sri Sri Agribusiness Academy!

2. Advance course/Sahaj course at Kandivli(W) - 30th July to 2nd Aug,2009-
Transform Self or be instrumental to transform

3. ART OF LIVING BASIC COURSE IN Beautiful Vancouver, BC


5. Hurry up! Last few days to register for Blessing course in Bali with Swami

6. YES! 2 (Advance) Course rocks Ludhiana once again!

7. First ever Sri Sri Yoga Course in Atlanta - August 20 to 23

8.Sri Si Ayurveda Nadi Pariksha

9. What Sri Sri said today: July 26

10.Sri Sri Yoga course in Bombay Andheri(W)

11.Family Camp at Lake Tahoe (Aug 6-13)

From: harshal jadhav <>
Date: Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 8:01 PM
Subject: Admissions open for Sri Sri Agribusiness Academy!

Sri Sri Agribusiness Academy offers a two years post graduate programme in
Agribusiness Management

Admissions for the same are open, for details please visit

With Love


From: G.Radhakrishnan <>
Date: Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 6:05 PM
Subject: Advance course/Sahaj course at Kandivli(W) - 30th July to 2nd
Aug,2009- Transform Self or be instrumental to transform

Advance course with Pankaj ji (Mirgh) from 30th july-2nd aug,2009 at Anand
Mangal Hall,Charkopnaka,Charkop,Kandivli(W).
An opportunity to dive deep into genuine relaxation and emerge refreshed &

Sahaj Meditation Course from 31st july-2nd aug( 5.30-7.30pm) at the same venue
Bring the mind which is all over the place, back to its source. This simple
meditiation practice one can use to overcome the effects of inevitable
stressful situations and make a positive impact on the quality of our lives.

Please spread awareness and do register at the following
nos:28609444,9869587203,9223360866.Accomodation available on request.


Subject: ART OF LIVING BASIC COURSE IN Beautiful Vancouver, BC


PLACE: Swan Farm, 8711, Sidaway Road, Richmond, BC,V6W 1G7 ( A very High Prana
Venue )

Dates: August 2nd - 7th 2009

Timings: Sunday: 10am - 2pm
Monday to Friday 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm

(Note - I am sure many of you must have friends and relations in this beautiful
part of the planet Earth. Please contact them and let them enjoy the Beautiful
Gift of Sudarshan Kriya an invaluable gift from our Dear Gurudev )

For any further information please contact:

Manjit K Johal munnyma2003@ or 604-266-9452 - Teacher

Capt Brij Paul Singh anasuyajgd@yahoo. com or 604-271-9452. - Teacher


From: Art of Living North American Ashram <>
Date: Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 2:28 PM
Subject: SSY TTC


The purpose of Sri Sri Yoga TTC is to restore the balance in your body,
mind and spirit, making you feel Fresh and New. In Sri Sri Yoga TTC
you learn to practice asanas correctly, not just physically but also with
your mind and spirit , making your practice a joyful spiritual experience.


For Information go to

Dates: August 20th to August 31st

with love
The Ashram Team


From: <>
Date: Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 9:27 AM
Subject: Hurry up! Last few days to register for Blessing course in Bali with
Swami Pragyapadji

Do not miss the opportunity to join and treasure the days in your lifetime
memory catalog.

The Blessing course is a fabulous course with the most amazing processes and
meditations, taking us into a different level of meditation. Each meditation in
unique and makes you dive into infinity. The kindness and compassion of our
Master is beyond words. Come do it and you'll experience the best gift you have
ever received. You become a perfect instrument for the Master's Grace to flow
Dates : 14th to 16th August 2009 (reporting 13th evening).
Course begins 14th August morning sharp 6 am and finishes on Sunday 16th August
2009 evening at 5 pm.
Venue : Inna Grand Bali Beach Hotel package includes room, meal, and course.
Jai Guru Dev
AOL Indonesia


From: charu mahajan <>
Date: Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 8:26 AM
Subject: YES! 2 (Advance) Course rocks Ludhiana once again!

Once again the power of YES!2 (Advance) Course rocked and rolled the industrial
town of Punjab. 82 young solus who had done YES! just a week back, took a deep
plunge in the ocean of love, devotion, fun and bliss. There were participants
from all over punjab: jalandhar, ludhiana, nangal, jagraon, amritsar, bhatinda,
dabwali etc. Being with our divine and dynamic teacher, Sumit Bhaiya was a
lifetime experience...everybody literally died laughing on his non stop joke
spree. Meditations were blissful, chantings were tranquilising, knowledge
sessions were mind blowing and satsangs were rocking. To see 82 odd souls with
diverse problems in their lives come together and bind in one thread of love
and devotion was an out of the world experience. They laughed, they cied, they
danced, they sang, they were transformed.

Next YES!2 will be examination spl.... stay tuned for the update.

Love & Regards,

Charu Mahajan
Faculty,The Art of Living
Mob No: 93560-01324.


From: Sathyan <>
Date: Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 7:11 AM
Subject: First ever Sri Sri Yoga Course in Atlanta - August 20 to 23

The Sri Sri Yoga Course is being offered for the first time in the Atlanta
Area. Due to limited capacity of the Art of Living Center, we expect this
course to fill up, so, please register soon to reserve your spot.

Stretch away your stress. Relax your body & mind.......................And have
great fun along the way!

The extraordinarily powerful workshop provides a holistic practice of postures,
breath work and meditation. The program is suitable for beginners as well as
experienced yoga practitioners, so, do invite all your friends to attend as
well (need not have taken Art of Living Part I course). There is NO
pre-requisite for this course. If someone breathes and can move the body, they
can attend!!!

Minimum age to attend the course is only 14.

Highlights of the course include:

Gentle and powerful series of yoga postures
Proper breathing methods
Meditative relaxation methods
Proper diet and Ayurveda
Stress Management through Yoga
Yoga postures tailor-made to your ayurvedic body type

More information about the course can be seen at and
some testimonials are available at

About the Teacher:

Shriram Sarvotham holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Rice University.
He has been practicing yoga for more than 20 years and has taught yoga courses
with the Art of Living Foundation for the last 8 years in and around the
continental United States. He has delivered Yoga demonstrations at several
places including Texas medical center, Rice University, University of Houston,
corporate offices like Shell, TI, Chase bank etc, and YMCAs.

Dates: August 20-23 (Art of Living Center)


Thu, Fri: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Sat: 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Sun: 9 AM to 12:30 PM

Details and Registration link:

If you have any questions, contact Sathyan at or 678
462 4228.

From: Deepa Chheda <>
Date: Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 7:00 AM
Subject: Sri Sri Ayurveda Nadi pariksha Camp in Dadar (e) , Mumbai

Sri Si Ayurveda Nadi Pariksha

14th Aug & 28th Aug

@ Dadar Divine Shop
748,Parsi colony,Dadar(e),Mumbai,India

Time: 11.30am-2pm , 4pm-8pm

For Appt call Manjuji on 24110241 / 9323306091


From: Art of Living webteam.intl <>
Date: Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 6:05 AM
Subject: What Sri Sri said today: July 26

What Sri Sri said today:
July 26, 2009:

'We are a one world family – spread this message to every corner. The sense

To read more, log onto:

In service,

International Website Administration
The Art Of Living
21st Km Kanakpura Road

From: AbhilashVithlani <>
Date: Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 5:42 AM
Subject: Sri Sri Yoga course in Bombay Andheri(W)

Been trying to make time to tone and firm up that body? If yes seize the
opportunity and come and do the acclaimed Sri Sri Yoga course.
Date:4-8th of August
Time:6:30-8:30am and 6:45-8:45pm
Venue:601/2 Gulistan 12 J.P Road 7 Bungalows Versova Mumbai-400061 opposite the
entrance of Nana Nani Park
To register please contact:9821601924/9820236963/9870480129.

register early.


From: Aparna Atmaram <>
Date: Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 10:43 AM
Subject: Family Camp at Lake Tahoe (Aug 6-13)

Looking for a fun and meaningful adventure to have as a family?
The first-ever Art of Living family camp at Lake Tahoe includes fun activities
on a private beach, wisdom in nature, satsang under the stars, comfortable
cabins, gourmet vegetarian meals, and more.
Courses offered are ART Excel, YES!, YLTP, Knowledge in Nature for adults, and
special activities for children under 8.
We're also looking for volunteers to join the cooking or special activities
team. Training and orientation will be provided onsite, when you arrive.

To register, visit or contact Emily Lifton at

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To subscribe to the digest, send any message to:

Monday, July 27, 2009

[esatsang] Esatsang digest for July1 2009

Subject: [Daily Sutra} Love

Love is the ultimate flowering, and you cannot force it to happen. It is a gift
to you, again, it's a gift to you. It's a happening, a spontaneous phenomenon.
Ahh---we can drop all the obstacles that we might put for it to happen.

Translations and Previous Sutras:

For esatsang list subscribes, please email from the email address that
you want subscribed.

For esatsang list unsubscribes, please email from the email address that
you want unsubscribed.

Topics in this edition

1. Basic Course by Guarav ji @ Chandigarh (14-19 July)

2.Navratri 2009

`: Seema Aol <>
Date: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 10:06 PM
Subject: Basic Course by Guarav ji @ Chandigarh (14-19 July)

Next Art of Living - Basic Course (14-19 July) SOREM, Sec-36, Chandigarh

Course: Basic (Part-1) Course by Guarav ji

Dates: 14-19 July 2009

Batches: Morning (5.30-8.30 am) ; Evening (6-9 pm)

Venue: SOREM, Sector 36 (Near Khukhrain Bhawan) Chandigarh

For Registration Contact: Call 9316131194, walk- in @ Procolor, SCO 445,
Sec-35-C, Chandigarh or e-mail :

Lets be part of this divine arrangement, forward among all your contacts and
spread smiles and bliss everywhere....!


AOL- Chandigarh


From: Ashram Courses <>
Date: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 6:28 AM
Subject: Navratri 2009

Dear International AOL family,

Hearty Greetings from the Ashram Team!

The much-awaited Navratri will be celebrated between September 19th- 28th, 2009
at our Bangalore AOL International Headquarters.

What makes Navratri so special is that our family members from all over the
world come Home.

It has been the constant effort of the entire Ashram Team to make the stay at
the Ashram as comfortable as possible and this year, we are putting into place
new ideas to make the event even more smooth and enjoyable for everyone.

In order to have a smooth process for registration we request the full support
of all the country coordinators, apex bodies, teachers, devotees and volunteers
to reach out to maximum devotees and participate fully to minimize chaos and
inconvenience at the last moment.

We have set up a package for the Navratri celebrations for which there will be
pre-registration and facility to book your preferred accommodation in advance.

The Navratri Package is as follows for the period

September 19th- 28th, 2009 Includes

International Advance Course with Guruji September 19th – 23rd (open to all
whom have done 2 Part II (Advance) courses & 21 years old)

Puja Days September 24th – 27th

Check in September 17th Evening, Check-out September 28th afternoon

Contribution is inclusive of Advance course (Part II) with Guruji,
Participation in Navratri homas & pujas, Food & accommodation from September
19th to 28th noon.

*** We have very limited Twin/Triple sharing rooms with in the ashram campus,
which will be allotted on first come first served basis. Else you will be given
rooms outside ashram campus. Ashram will take care of transportation. Register
early to avoid last minute disappointments.


All registrations will be pre-registrations with full payment.
Pre-registrations to reach Ashram latest by July 25th

with full-payment.

Prior to September 24th, accommodation is available ONLY FOR ADVANCE COURSE

People who want to come only for the Puja days are welcome. Accommodation for
the Puja Days (September 24th onwards) will primarily be in separate Ladies and
Gents dormitories. Rooms will be provided if available. There is no specific
contribution during pooja days, Voluntary contributions are most welcome.

Devotees coming only for the Puja Days should plan for stay at the Ashram from
September 24th onwards ONLY.

There is no specific contribution during puja days, Voluntary contributions are
most welcome. Initial registration charges (USD 50 per person) are applicable &
need to fill up form C.

During puja days, housing department might add extra beds in your room to
accommodate more devotees who are coming only for puja days.

Housing will be allotted on first come first serve basis. If ashram campus is
full, housing accommodation will be organized outside ashram campus and
transportation will be organized by us.

Please note, even if you stay outside food will be served at ashram dinning
hall (Annapoorna) only. Early morning you will be picked up & dropped back in
the night after diner & satsang.

Mode of Payment / Registration:

Anyone can pay through online payment link given below using credit card.

Now you are only registering your name, contribution to be made once the
payment gate way is live on July 15th but not later the July 25th. If ashram is
not getting your course contribution by July 25th, your registration will be
considered as void.

Please email to confirm your remittance and participation latest by July
25th, 2009.

Need to bring the original receipt with them to the Ashram at time of check-in.

Due to the technical reasons we will not accept any direct wire (telex)
transfers to our bank account for course registration.

The country coordinators to update the Ashram about registration on the
following email address with Subject : Participant
registration - NAVRATRI 2009.

Fulltime International Art of Living teachers and NRI teachers

Fulltime Art of Living teachers will have 50% scholarship on 5 people sharing

On other room sharings (twin & triple) scholarship is not available. Please
bring your teacher's identity card.

After July 25th you will have to check with the Ashram by email on availability
of rooms/beds of any category.

Please ensure all registration forms along with contributions reach the Ashram
by the July 25th.

We will have Sahaj Samadhi meditation course during Navratri and Guru puja
course (phase 1& 2) after Navratri. Please see for more

Important Contacts / emails :

General Information on Ashram. Email : Tel : +91-80-28432273/4

Airport, Railway station pickup /drop services (on chargeable basis) and other
travel packages.

Email : Tel : +91-80-26080256, 32923423.
Housing during puja days. email: Tel:+91-80-26080204/219.
Puja / Homa / sankalpa related queries: , Tel:+91-80-26080295

We solicit your help and complete support to make this event comfortable for

Jai Gurudev!
Navratri Team
Bangalore Ashram


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[esatsang] Esatsang digest for July 2 2009

Subject: [Daily Sutra} Life

Everywhere in creation, it's all filled with life, life, life---everywhere

Translations and Previous Sutras:

For esatsang list subscribes, please email from the email address that
you want subscribed.

For esatsang list unsubscribes, please email from the email address that
you want unsubscribed.

Topics in this edition

1. Guru Purnima Celebrations in Pune : 7th July 2009.

2. Blessing course at Bangalore ashram !

3. DSN Course by Anandji at Panchkula

4. What Sri Sri said today: June 25

5.Rudra Pooja at Triveni Ashram, Pune...

6. Just the Beginning-a long way to go : Enhancing Education : A New Dimension

7. Rudra Poojas in Delhi

8.Schedule of SSCOPE courses

From: Shridhar Damodaran <>
Date: Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 8:01 PM
Subject: Guru Purnima Celebrations in Pune : 7th July 2009.

Guru Purnima Celebrations in Pune on 7th July 2009

7.00pm – 9.30pm on Tue, 7th July 2009.

Guru Pooja at 7 pm, followed by
Satsang with Meditation.

Alpabachat Bhavan, Behind Council Hall,
Queens Garden, Camp, Pune.


We request
VVKI Pune IC: 020- 64002463 / 25411821.

Also on 7th July, 7am to 8.30am, Rudra Pooja with Swami Pragyapadji at Pune Art
of Living Triveni Ashram at Markal Village. There will be Prasadam afterwards.

Contact : 9765999123 / 124 /127.

All are invited !
Jai Gurudev !

From: Bangalore Ashram Courses <>
Date: Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 11:01 AM
Subject: Blessing course at Bangalore ashram !

We are very pleased to announce Blessing course at The Art Of Living
International Centre Bangalore. IT is starting on 22nd (22-24) Aug 2009. All
are welcome. Friends just remember you have to reach Ashram on 21st by evening
9.00 pm.Course contribution is Rs 6000 for Indian National. Please see the
below attachment of Blessing Course form.
Ashish Malhotra
Events Team.

For updates on courses happening in the ashram please visit the following Link

Jai Gurudev !

Ashram Events Team

From: <>
Date: Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 9:58 AM
Subject: DSN Course by Anandji at Panchkula

We are pleased to inform you that Panchkula centre has arranged to organise DSN
Couse with Anandji from 23rd July to 26th July 2009. The course will be
conducted at 'Ravi Das Bhawan" Sector-15, Panchkula.The details of the course
is enclosed herewith. We also request you to kindly arrange to forward this
meesage to all the concerned persons who are interested to do DSN Course

Kindly acknowledge.

With regards,
Ravi Kant Malik


From: Art of Living webteam.intl <>
Date: Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 5:34 AM
Subject: What Sri Sri said today: June 25

'Karma is the impression in the consciousness. The impression draws...'
To read more, log onto:

In service,

International Website Administration
The Art Of Living
21st Km Kanakpura Road


From: AOL Triveni Ashram <>
Date: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 11:37 PM
Subject: Rudra Pooja at Triveni Ashram, Pune...

On one of the most Auspicious day "The Guru Pournima" ,Tuesday 7th of July
2009, Here at Triveni Ashram, Markal, Pune. Rudra-Pooja will be performed by
Swamy Pragyapadjee at 7am followed by Prasadam. All devotees are cordially
invited to attend the same with Family, Friends & Relatives.

Jai Gurudev,
Triveni Ashram Team,
+91-9765999123, +91-9765999124,+91-9765999127


From: Dr.Bhramara Madduri <>
Date: Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 3:40 AM
Subject: Just the Beginning-a long way to go : Enhancing Education : A New

With Guruji's blessings ,AOL, Bahrain organised a presentation targetting
school principals, academic co-ordinators and student counselors of the private
schools as an initial step towards making schools stress free.
Drawing inspiration from schools elsewhere where AOL workshops have been
conducted successfully, invitations were sent out to about 20 schools to
gather all the concerned school staff under one roof, for an evening that would
make a difference!
Two well known Bahraini women were invited as the Chief guest and Guest of
Titled 'Enhancing Education : A new Dimension' , the 2 hour program had
initially a peek into stress in schools , followed by how education could be
enhanced through the Art of Living.
There was a video feedback of school administrators + testimonials and
photographs of various school /university courses .The participants, among whom
were principals of 3 schools, a few co-ordinators and about 20 teachers
representing 10 different schools were taken through 'bhastrika' and a guided

They were given a brochure ,highlighting various relevant courses ,and were
asked to fill up a feedback form in which were columns for which courses they'd
like to initiate, in which month and where.
The feedback was positive and we pray will pave the way to initiate AOL
workshops in a big way in schools here in Bahrain.
Would urge others also to initiate and target schools in their respective
Will be glad to help out. (power points/ideas/testimonials)

Click on the link to view some pictures of the event .


From: Sanjeev Srivastava <>
Date: Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 2:32 AM
Subject: Rudra Poojas in Delhi

Shraavan aiyo re!
Rudrapuja ki bahaar laiyo re!

Like the last 2 years, we in Delhi-NCR are getting the opportunity of
Immersing in the Sacred Chants
of Rudrapuja
in the month of Shraavan
(July 8 to August 6, 2009)

with the Veda Pandits and boys from the Bangalore Ashram the presence of a Swamiji

Everyone is welcome to attend.

We can participate in the Pujas by way of taking a Sankalpa
a.) in the Saamoohik (Group) Pujas that will be happening in all areas
and /or
b.) in the Personal Pujas at our Home/Office (by becoming a Yajman)

Since there are limited number of days available,
we recommend that you book YOUR Pujas as early as possible.

Besides Delhi-NCR, Pujas will also be happening in other States like Punjab,
Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, J& can inform your
friends and family there.

For Personal/Saamohik Rudrapujas, please contact
Vandna (0 98118 11011) for Delhi-NCR
Jaideep (0 98730 71717) for other states

For attending/participating in the Saamoohik (Group) Rudrapujas, please contact
Your Area Teachers Coordinators/any Teacher in your Area

Read the following note to know more about Rudrapuja.
Lets participate whole heartedly in the Rudrapujas and bring in all we
know...for everyones' good!

with love
Jai Gurudev!
Vandna Aadesh

Immerse in the Sacred Chants of

"Oh! The lord of the lords, Mahadeo, The manifestation of the 3 worlds
The omnipresent, the pure consciousness, Destroyer of evil,
lord of mercy and compassion, Source of fertility, bestower of
prosperity, I pray to you, please shower your grace!"

What is Rudrapooja?
Rudrapooja is an ancient practice that has been followed in India since time
immemorial. Rudra means Shiva - good, benevolent, destroyer of evil and Pooja
means that which is born out of fulfillment. Through this pooja, the evils get
destroyed and the good prevails leading to inner peace and fulfillment.

The whole world is a play of energy, negative or positive. When we pray to
Shiva, the lord of transformation, through this pooja, the negative energy in
and around us in the form of disease, tensions, unhappiness gets transformed
into peace, prosperity and happiness. Peace happens around us, in the mind,
body and soul.

It is performed with the crystal "linga". Each ancient mantra that is
chanted gets absorbed in specific materials like curd, milk, ghee, honey etc.
This is then offered to shiva with reverence, love and gratitude. Specially
trained Pandits and Veda students from our ashram in Bangalore perform this
special pooja. The chanting of the mantras is so pure and meditative that it
takes us to a different plane.

Importance of Rudra Pooja in Shraavan maas
Shraavan is a special month for Shiva. It is believed that the Rudrapooja done
in this month has a manifold effect on the Sankalpas that we make.

What is a Sankalpa?
Sankalpa is the specific pupose for which you are getting the Pooja performed.
The Puja can be done in any name with the Sankalpa.



From: <>
Date: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 5:44 AM
Subject: Schedule of SSCOPE courses

Sri Sri Centre of Professional Excellence (SSCOPE) is offering a unique Project
management course for IT professionals on July 4th in Bangalore, specially
designed for team members, leads, aspiring project managers and those who have
moved to PM roles recently. This course exposes them to practical fundamentals
in project management enabling them to be more effective in their current roles
and take up leadership roles in their organization. For more details, visit

Upcoming workshops from SSCOPE:

Agile Methodology - July 24th-25th (Option to attend either or both the days)
Business Communication - August 1st-2nd

CMMI/SDLC models and Software Metrics - August 8th-9th (Option to attend either
or both the days)

SSCOPE offers certification programs and workshops on various industry relevant
topics under the expert guidance of industry veterans to enable professionals
to excel as individuals and leaders. Please visit for more
details . You can also email or call +91-65909097 for
further information on any of the modules

Jai Gurudev

To unsubscribe to the digest, send any message to:
To subscribe to the digest, send any message to:

[esatsang] Esatsang digest forJuly 3 2009

Subject: [Daily Sutra} Life

Everywhere in creation, it's all filled with life, life, life---everywhere

Translations and Previous Sutras:

For esatsang list subscribes, please email from the email address that
you want subscribed.

For esatsang list unsubscribes, please email from the email address that
you want unsubscribed.

Topics in this edition

1. German Ashram

2.YES! Course in Munich (Aug 13th to 18th)

3.Guru Puja courses Phase 1 and 2 in German ashram in August

4.The Advanced Meditation / Art Of Living Part II Course with " Tanujaji
Limaye "


From: Liz Luedemann <>
Date: Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 9:31 AM
Subject: German Aschram

Celebrating work and seva in the German Aschram.
Liz Luedemann Art of Living Cosmetics is growing and blossoming.

Clients are longing for the outstanding quality.

Liz Luedemann needs more help in the cosmetics offices.

International Marketing, organisation of business and treatments seminars
attending exhibition.

For about 3 months and more.




From: Mrinalini Kochupillai <>
Date: Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 4:03 AM
Subject: YES! Course in Munich (Aug 13th to 18th)

We are happy to announce the year's first YES! course in Munich, Germany from
August 13th to 18th, 2009. The YES! (Youth Empowerment Seminar) is a special
course designed by Guruji for youth in the age group of 14-18 yrs. They are
taught Guruji's wonderful knowledge in the most fun yet challenging way.

The YES! Course includes Yoga, Sudarshan Kriya for youth, knowledge that is
geared to helping youth deal with everyday challenges that they face, many fun
games, stories and group activities. Youth just love YES! and immediately fall
in love with the Sudarshan Kriya.

The course will be in both English and German. Here are the details:

Date: 13th – 18th August 2009
Venue: Yoga Schule Pasing, Josef-Retzer-Str. 47, Pasing (Munich)
Time: 1:00pm to 4:30 pm (Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday), 11:00am to
5:00pm (Saturday and Sunday)
Course Fee: Euro 175 (One hundren and seventy five)

For information in German, contact Anja: Telefon: 0175/2066445; Email:
For information in English, contact Anja or Mrinalini: 0176/27646005; Email:


From: Art of Living European Center Bad Antogast <>
Date: Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 3:30 AM
Subject: Guru Puja courses Phase 1 and 2 in German ashram in August

Dear Friends,

Long awaited GURU PUJA courses take place in Bad Antogast very soon!!!!

Here are the dates:

Guru Puja Phase 1 - August 4th (10 a.m.) - August 9th (1 p.m.)
Guru Puja Phase 2 - August 4th (10 a.m.) - August 6th (1 p.m.)
Requirements to participate in Phase 1:
Art of living Teacher or
TTC-1 + 2 advance courses + Sahaj Samadhi Course or
4 advanced courses + Sahaj Samadhi Course

Requirements to participate in Phase 2:
Gurupuja Phase 1 + 6 month's gap

For more details and the application forms please contact us at or call 0049780497390

With Love,
Your Bad Antogast Team


From: Seema Lamba <>
Date: Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 11:09 PM
Subject: The Advanced Meditation / Art Of Living Part II Course with "
Tanujaji Limaye "

CHANGE OF DATES -23rd to 26th July,2009

Here's a chance to be with Yourself...! The Advanced Meditation / Art Of
Living Part II Course with

" Tanujaji Limaye "

Tanuja Limaye is a Senior International Teacher with the Art of Living
Foundation. She travels worldwide teaching people of all backgrounds, cultures
and religions how to effectively manage their mind and emotions, eliminate
stress, live in harmony amid diversity and bring greater peace and joy into
their lives.

Over the past ten years with Art of Living Foundation, She has taught
extensively in Europe, the Mid East, Japan, Southern Africa, Canada and the
United States.

Her specialties include training and inspiring Art of living teachers and
teaching advanced level Art of Living course designed to help participants
remove self-imposed limitations, realize their full potential and offer their
talents in service to the world.


Art of Living's Advanced (Part II ) Course guides one on a journey deeper into
one's self.... enabling the spontaneous integration of life with wisdom. Rest
and rejuvenate the mind and body in the best way possible.

Date: 23rd to 26th July,2009
Reporting time : 6 am on 23rd July,2009

Venue: C.Chatwani Hall [A.C hall], Telli Galli, Nr.Station,Andheri east
Course Donation : Rs.3500 /-

Accommodation available on Request
Don't miss this precious gift to experience the power of silence & your inner


Date: 24th – 26th July, 2009 Time: 6.00 pm - 7.00 pm
Contact: 9821242184/9930530157/9892456529

NOTE- Cheques to be taken in name of - VVKIMIC
Courier your form and cheque to -

Disha Realtors
146/3,Chinar Bldg,shere punjab soc,
Near tolani college,off mahakali Caves Rd,
Andheri - east,
Mumbai -93

To unsubscribe to the digest, send any message to:
To subscribe to the digest, send any message to:

[esatsang] Esatsang digest for July 5 2009

Subject: [Daily Sutra} Life

Everywhere in creation, it's all filled with life, life, life---everywhere

Translations and Previous Sutras:

For esatsang list subscribes, please email from the email address that
you want subscribed.

For esatsang list unsubscribes, please email from the email address that
you want unsubscribed.

Topics in this edition

1. Guru Poornima special: Live webcast of the satsangs with Sri Sri in Chicago

2. Sri Sri Ayurved Wellness center in Pune!

3. International Part 2 Course With Sri Sri - MElbourne

4. Sri Sri Yoga TTC Phase 1 & Phase 2 in Mauritius


6.News: IUB decides to go 'moral' across varsities

7.Sri Sri Centre For Media Studies

8.International YES! & YES!+ Camps at International Art of Living Center
Taraska in Poland

From: Art of Living webteam.intl <>
Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 6:49 PM
Subject: Guru Poornima special: Live webcast of the satsangs with Sri Sri in

The Guru poornima webcast team is happy to present High Quality Live webcast of
Gurupoornima and Satsangs starting July 5th.
You can watch the webcast by signing up for the event.

Pls provide your valuble feedback after the event. You can follow us on twitter
for updates
Jai Guru Dev,
Webcast Support Team

International Website Administration
The Art Of Living
21st Km Kanakpura Road


From: harshal jadhav <>
Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 8:02 PM
Subject: Sri Sri Ayurved Wellness center in Pune!

Good news: Sri Sri Wellness center has been started in Pune!

Pls visit for details

With Love

Explore the amazing avenues of Yoga!

Experience the POWER Of Meditation!

Art Of Living Pune - updates

From: Sarat Sharma <>
Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 5:35 PM
Subject: International Part 2 Course With Sri Sri - MElbourne

International Part2 Advanced Course with Sri Sri, to be held between 4th - 8th
December 2009, Melbourne, Australia.

Advanced course is a perfect vacation for your mind and body and an
extraordinary experience if done in the presence of Guruji.

Come and treat yourself to a lifetime opportunity, a chance never to be missed.
The course is being held in a 4.5 star Resort, away from City chaos and
traffic, where you can dive deep in to yourself and rejuvenate your mind and
body. Fully landscaped and close to beaches & nature, this place has a perfect
auroa to rediscover yourself.

Yes - it could not have been a better summer vacation!!! So come and experience
the power of silence in the presence of Guruji.

Places are limited and on a first come basis, REGISTER NOW!!!!!, Early bird
ends 15th August 2009.

Visit for details and online registrations.

Love & Jai Gurudev
Art of Living - Australia.


From: Seeven Pillay <>
Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 9:26 AM
Subject: Sri Sri Yoga TTC Phase 1 & Phase 2 in Mauritius

Sri Sri Yoga Teacher's Training Course Phase 1 & Phase 2 in MAURITIUS

At the special request of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a Senior Teacher
from Bangalore Ashram will conduct the Sri Sri Yoga Teacher's Training Course
(Phase I & Phase II) in Mauritius.

After successful completion of the TTC Course, participants will become Sri Sri
Yoga Teacher and will be allowed to teach yoga courses in Mauritius. The
programme details will be as follows:-

Venue: AOL Centre Wooton, Mauritius
Dates: Saturday 01 – Saturday 15 August 2009

Times: 05h30 am – 10h00 pm

Basic AOL Part 1 + a minimum of 1 AOL Part 2 (Advanced)
Requirements: (Participants having attended more than 1 Advanced Course
and/or DSN Course and/or Sri Sri Yoga Course will be given priority)

Note: Participants should attend all sessions.
Seats are limited & Pre-Registration is Compulsory.
Basis: First Come First Serve

volunteers are requested to pre-register participants by the 20th of July 2009.
The attached Registration Form, duly filled, need to be sent by email to Seeven



From: Bureau Art de Vivre <>
Date: Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 8:41 AM
Subject: YES+ in France.... JUST COME and BECOME THE NEW LEGEND

Here it is an opportunity for youth to overcome their obstacle and find their
inner strengh in the most beautifull and funny experience.... YES+
It will happen from the 10th to the 14th of july.... means in less than one
week... in the most legendary place of the world, Broceliande, the Forest of
the King Arthur and the famous Merlin the Wizard !
Just come and create the new legend :)
The course will be taught by the most legendary teachers Deepali Patel,
Stéphane Ayrault et Stéphanie Launay.
Contact us to get the application form :
Tél : 0033 1 49 29 05 21
Mob. : 0033 6 63 73 64 30


From: Dr Sujeet N Charugulla <>
Date: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 2:25 AM
Subject: News: IUB decides to go 'moral' across varsities

IUB decides to go 'moral' across varsities

BELGAUM: College students across the state can now learn the 'Art of
Living', after the Inter University Board (IUB) decided to take the Art of
Living Foundation's help to design a yoga and moral education module for all
universities across the state.
The IUB took the decision on Tuesday after a presentation made by Sri Sri Sri
Ravi Shankar's organisation to the Board.
Announcing the decision, Higher Education Minister Aravind Limbavali said that
the college module will be based on the Art of Living Foundation's Youth
Empowerment Seminar Plus (YES+) course.
The main aspects of the program will include four components-- Physical,
Mental, Social and Emotional. ``The course is popular in several universities
abroad, and we have decided to have it in our universities in the upcoming
year,'' said Limbavali.
Collegiate Education commissioner Dr N Nagambika Devi has been asked to prepare
a syllabus and submit it within a month.
The IUB is the highest decision making body for higher education comprising of
Vice-Chancellors of all universities in the state along with bureaucrats from
concerned departments.

More @ http://www.expressbuzz


From: Devi Raajan Nair <>
Date: Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 2:10 AM
Subject: Sri Sri Centre For Media Studies

Greetings from Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies. Sri Sri Centre for Media
Studies based in Bangalore is an institute for Journalism Studies. As the
saying goes, "The pen is mightier that the sword", a journalist with his
words has the power to influence the opinion of a society as a whole. SSCMS was
established in 2001 to emphasise on Gurudev's vision for a Divya Samaj. Our
core principle is to promote reporting based on FACT, ie., FAIRNESS, ACCURACY,
COMPREHENSIVE, TRUTH. With this in mind our students are trained in human
values, sensitive & sensible reporting which becomes an integrated part of
maintaining a divine society.
Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies aims to impart student centric knowledge about
media & to develop dynamism, courage, self confidence & a sense of adventure in
each individual. With faculty from the Media Industry, the curriculum and
syllabus are in tune with the Industry demands. The institute focuses on
imparting knowledge with the right mix of theory and practical work.
Our alumni are placed in prestigious news rooms such as The Times of India,
Deccan Herald, The Hindu, The New India Express, Economic Times, Times of India
Kannada, Mathrubhumi, NDTV, Doordarshan, Aaj Tak,
CNN IBN, ETTV NOW!, Worldspace radio etc..
SSCMS is now open for admissions for the One year Post Graduate Diploma is
Print, Broadcast (TV & Radio) and New Media (Web/online) Journalism starting in
August 2009. Students who have completed their
graduation in any stream are eligible to apply. Those students awaiting their
degree results can also apply.
Apart from the academic criteria, students who have an aptitude and flair for
writing and an inclination to bringing about a change in the society are
welcome at SSCMS. India is in need of objective, constructive and
responsible journalists to report FACT rather than sensationalising events.
We reach out to you to spread word about our upcoming batch. Requesting you to
announce at Satsangs, follow-ups, courses etc.. We are in the process of
creating an emailer which will be sent to you shortly. It can
be used to send to various egroups, interested students, parents etc.. Looking
forward to your pro active
support in working towards Gurudev's vision.
Admission Open
Course offered: One Year PG Diploma in Print, Broadcast and New Media
Course commencement: August 10th 2009
Fees: Rs. 1,30,000/- (One lakh thirty thousand only).
Hostel facility with food: offered to outstation students on request.
Contact Details:
Devi -+91-9980516690
Email: Website:


From: Center Poland <>
Date: 2009/7/5
Subject: International YES! & YES!+ Camps at International Art of Living Center
Taraska in Poland

...while reading enjoy: ;)

It is a pleasure for us to invite You for the two amazing events: YES!+
(age:19 – 35) and YES! (14 – 18) courses at International Art Of Living
Center Taraska in Poland.

Ashram is situated in the middle of the National Park.

Nearby there is a "magic place" where two highest class of purity rivers are
merging in to the one.

Why magic? we know, but we won't tell you. :)
– Experience that yourself!!!

Dates of Summer Camps:

YES!+ 17th – 21st July 2009 (for people in age:19 – 35)

YES! 23rd – 30th August 2009 (for people in age: 14 – 18)

Full pricelists both camps are in application forms in enclosure!

In the Centre you have opportunity to take awesome and wonderful ayurvedic
massages and treatments,

that will give you wonderfull experience: peace of mind and body relaxation.

We are looking forward to meet all of you! ;)

Please forward this email to anyone that might be interested,

With love,
YES!+ & YES! team

Clementine Zielińska
Fundacja Art of Living Polska
Centrum w Tarasce - Biuro

Taraska 19a, 26-337 Aleksandrów k/Opoczna
tel: 00 48 44 756 90 18
fax: 00 48 44 756 90 29

To unsubscribe to the digest, send any message to:
To subscribe to the digest, send any message to:

[esatsang] Esatsang digest for July 6 2009

Subject: [Daily Sutra} Hollow and Empty

Creation is all anxious to fulfill your desire when you become hollow and

Translations and Previous Sutras:

For esatsang list subscribes, please email from the email address that
you want subscribed.

For esatsang list unsubscribes, please email from the email address that
you want unsubscribed.

Topics in this edition

1. First Sri Sri Yoga Course In Alberta (Canada)

2. DSN-Course in Amravati from 6th to 9th Aug 2009

3. Sangeeta Jani in Africa

4. Why a blessing at 35,000 feet above sea level is important?

5. Blessing course at Bangalore Ashram !

6.The YES!+ Program at Dadar(e) 12Aug-18Aug 09


From: Art of Living Calgary <>
Date: Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 8:58 PM
Subject: First Sri Sri Yoga Course In Alberta (Canada)

We just concluded the first SriSri Yoga course in Calgary (Alberta).
The course was taken by Pooja Tolani.

The participants of Sri Sri Yoga course had a very beautiful
experience. No one ever thought Yoga is so simple and profound. The
instructons from Pooja Ji were very clear and easy to follow that we
felt that Yoga is easy to practise.
After long days work doing Yoga in the evening was unimaginable when
we signed up for the course, but the course is so beautifuly designed
that we felt relieved of all day stress.

We plan to organise more such courses and bring more people into Sri Sri Yoga

With Lots of Love

Calgary Seva Angels


From: Sagar Shirbhate <>
Date: Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 11:05 AM
Subject: DSN-Course in Amravati from 6th to 9th Aug 2009.

Come and experience the power of Sadhana. The Art of Living Amravati team
invites you for Saleel Bhaiya's DSN (Divya Samaj Nirman) course.
Please see the details below for course and registration details.

Please stick to the process to avoid chaos. this will help in reducing the
time spent in housing and tallying of the finance.

Venue : *Amravati, Maharashtra*
Date of Reporting : *6 Aug 2009*
*Time of reporting on *6 Aug before : 17:00 hours*
Duration of Course : *6 Aug 2009 TO 9 Aug 2009*.


Till *4th Aug 2009*:- *Rs 2000/-
Note: *Course fees includes the Accommodation and food charges for all
course days.*

Registrations received after 4th Aug 2009 will be treated as spot
registration. Organisisng team will not be responsible for any discomforts
such as accommodation, travel etc caused due to delay in registrations. We
request you to kindly confirm your registration before 4th Aug 2009.


The cash is to be submitted at :

*SBI Bank*
under the name : *Mr. Pritish A Shrikhande*
account number : *10537463895*
Branch number : *8108*
** NOTE : Please try and submit the cash in lump sum amounts. i.e. If you
have received cash from 10 participants, ( say Rs. 20,000 ), please make
just one deposit for Rs. 20,000 and not 10 deposits for Rs. 2000 each.
It's not necessary to first collect ALL the cash and then put it in the
bank, just make sure you minimize the number of receipts so that it is easy
for Finance department to verify.

1. *NO cheques* are accepted only cash.

2. Each city will only have 1 coordinator, the scanned copy of the receipts
and the excel sheet should containing details of participants, from one
city, should come in one consolidated email at (DSN
Coordinator Amravati). For example, all the receipt's from Mumbai should
come only from Mumbai's coordinator. *All teachers and volunteers are
requested to submit the data and receipt's to him/her and details should
reach us on or before 4th Aug in standard format as in attached file*.

3. Each participant should carry a photo with him/her on reporting.

4. *MOST IMPORTANT : If the receipt's don't reach on or before 4th Aug, the
participant will NOT BE ALLOWED to attend the course*.

For any queries please contact
09096404460, 09766545937

Jai GuruDev
Sagar Shirbhate



From: <>
Date: Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 8:06 AM
Subject: Sangeeta Jani in Africa

Sangeeta Didi is on her first tour of Africa where she just completed the last
of her DSN and Part 2 courses in South Africa. While she truly overflows with
wisdom, grace, love, simplicity and witty humour, she is the embodiment of pure
devotion to the Master. How lucky we are to have spent this special period
leading up to Guru Purnima with her!

Didi is inspirational and has such a pull that almost every one of her DSN
Johannesburg participants subsequently attended her later Part 2 course. She
then so fired up the DSN group in Durban that in just 2 weeks they organized
the most beautiful 100 person Part 2 course in a luxury hotel on the beach!
This was the first of its kind in Africa and due to all the amazing stories
about Didi, soon the organizers were turning participants away as the venue was
fully booked!

I did the Part 2 course with Didi in Cape Town and despite that being my 28th
Part 2 course, one week later is was attending my 29th . and who could blame
me;-) In just 4 days I watched in amazement how my students, the vast majority
of whom come from a western background and had just done the Part 1 course a
month or two before, had simply melted and turned into complete devotees.
Having just come into this knowledge so recently, now almost every breath of
theirs is permeated with the word Guruji - how beautiful He is, how cute He is,
how inspirational He is, how committed He is! Didi has inspired not only a
brilliant team of sevaks who assisted on children's holiday camp for 150
underprivileged children, so many of these recent part 1 graduates now have the
firm resolve to become teachers so that they can spread this precious

Some of these recent part 1 graduates shared the following:

"The Part 2 was a profound & life-changing experience for me.I felt remarkably
privileged to be in Sangeeta Didi's presence and will do for a very long time -
I think back of her with such fond & loving memories. I have so much respect &
admiration for her - she is up there with my other role models! I miss her,
even though I don't really know her that well and I felt so incredibly safe and
cared for during the course. Sangeeta Didi is real, wise, caring, intelligent
and oh so witty!

Because of Sangeeta Didi I have accepted Guruji as my Master - something I had
been longing for since I think I opened my eyes on my very first day on the
planet! I am overflowing with gratitude and feel I have arrived home. Thank you
to all and thanks for sending us Sangeeta Didi! I can't wait to see her again.
With love, Tertia"

"The part 2 with Didi was uplifting, comforting and spiritually stimulating.
Her words are soothing and her knowledge so vast, I wish I had her available to
answer my questions and help with my problems every day. She really does
permeate joy and fun and her magnetic energy entranced us all. I hope I get to
experience her teachings again one day soon and am so grateful to her for her
love and compassion towards all those around her. Love Mike"

Didi will teach her last course on this tour in exotic Kenya from 9 - 12 July.
For more information contact Peeush Mahajan in Nairobi at +25 4733 604 888.

Guruji, Africa is grateful to you for sending yet another one of your beautiful

With much gratitude
Mukesh Vassen,
Art of Living Teacher, Cape Town


From: Brij Paul Singh <>
Subject: Why a blessing at 35,000 feet above sea level is important?

Why a blessing at 35,000 feet above sea level is important?

We never really know how learning something could be used at any given time in
our life! Well, this story illustrates just that. I recently attended the
Gurbanai Kirtan Darbar in Guruji's presence on June 19/09, at the Bangalore
Ashram. I had left Vancouver on a scheduled flight to London , UK and then
onto Bangalore , India ; to participate and support this special occasion.

Approximately three hours into the flight at an altitude of 35,000 feet and
just after our meals were served; an elderly European man began behaving in an
odd way. He hadn't eaten his meal and his behaviour was becoming more and
more offensive for the surrounding passengers. I saw this from where I was
seated, just several seats behind him. He was holding his head tightly,
clenching his fists, bending and tossing his body from one side of his chair to
another. His behaviour became more offensive, the passenger's eyes were now
closed and he began mumbling loudly and his words couldn't be understood.

The cabin crew along with those passengers seated near him began to feel
fearful and there didn't appear to be a way to engage and or communicate with
this passenger. Seeing this situation worsening, I unbuckled my seat belt and
got up. As I got up I took the name of our beloved Guruji into my heart and
moved closer to this aggravated passenger. My intention was to bless him and
inspire a calm presence within him.

As I approached him I reached out to touch him. In a few minutes there was a
dramatic change in his behaviour and he began to calm down. The blessings
training were one of many learning events in my life and thought by our beloved
Swami Pragyapadji. As he calmed down, the passenger opened his eyes.

While these dramatic events were unfolding, the cabin crew had contacted
doctors back in Vancouver . Based upon a search of the passenger's
belongings (carry-on luggage), there was medication found which identified his
condition. He suffered from diabetes and acute depression and was in desperate
need of his medication. Understanding his condition, I immediately asked for
juice and held the cup to his mouth and as well, fed him some dessert. The man
replied: "You're an angel."

Naturally, this generated some curiosity amongst the passengers – especially
when the sick passenger says: "You're angel!" Well, here I was with an
eager audience that wanted to learn and at 35,000 feet above sea level, I
started my Art of Living introductory talk! It wasn't a captive audience,
but an eager audience that wanted to understand more about our "True and
Permanent Self." As it's happened so many times before, I wouldn't be
surprised that some of these passengers may now become the Art of Living
passengers – spreading blessings, goodwill and the Creator's Will!

As a global passenger/teacher and instrument for Guruji, the blessings course
facilitated by our beloved Swami Pragyapadji continues to be used by me at any
given time and anywhere in the world! If you haven't already signed up for
the blessings course, it's never too late. You must reach out to others by
becoming a master learner! One never knows when you'll be called upon to
apply it and remove some of the suffering of our brothers and sisters!

Capt Brij Paul Singh
International Traveling Teacher


From: Bangalore Ashram Courses <>
Date: Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 1:17 AM
Subject: Blessing course at Bangalore Ashram !

The blessings course is a fabulous course with the most amazing processes and
meditations. It takes you into a different level of meditation. Each
meditation is unique and makes you dive into infinity. The kindness and
compassion of our Master is beyond words. Come do it and you'll experience the
best gift you have ever received. You become a perfect instrument for the
Master's Grace to flow through.

Announcing Blessings Course from August 22-24, 2009 in the Presence of Guruji !

Earliest Check-in: Aug 21st by Noon
Latest Check-out: Aug 24th by Evening
Course starts 6 am (Sharp) on Aug 22nd and ends at 6 pm on Aug 24th .

Medium of instruction: English / Hindi
Pre-requisite: At least 2 advanced courses. (Part II).
(This does not include courses organized/assisted and other courses like

Contribution for resident Indian nationals: Rs 6000 (Inclusive of food,
accommodation during course dates & program contribution).

Payments can be made ONLY through demand draft (Personal cheques are not
accepted) in favor of "Ved Vignan Maha Vidya Peeth" payable at Bangalore.

Contribution for Internationals: USD 450 (Inclusive of food, accommodation
during course dates & program contribution).

Maximum number of participants: 120 (First come first served basis). On the
spot registrations are subject to availability.

Course application form attached. For any queries related to the courses email
us at

We request all Apex bodies to keep the track of Applications and send us the
report at We request all Apex bodies, teachers, volunteers to
pass the message in their followup, satsang group & information center.

Ashram Events Team


From: Deepa Chheda <>
Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 11:50 PM
Subject: The YES!+ Program at Dadar(e) 12Aug-18Aug 09

The YES!+ (Youth Empowerment and Skills) Program is a dynamic workshop by the
Art of Living & WAYE which has radically transformed the lives of over 30,000
youth across the world.

The Youth Empowerment and Skills (YES!+) Program has been conducted and had
received excellent reviews from universities across the world such as Indian
Institute of Technology Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Indian
Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Cornell University, Boston College, Virgina

Heightened energy, enthusiam, confidence, concenrtation, creativity are just
some of the benefits this program offers. The Program also teaches the renowned
Sudarshan Kriya which helps in de-toxing the system so that one can experience
the present moment in all its beauty without worrying about the future or
regretting the past.

The Program will be conducted at the Dadar(e), Mumbai from 12Aug to 18Aug,
2009 from 5 pm to 9 pm. To Reg for the Program, one can get in touch with on
the Following nos: 98338 86856 / 93223 33563

Gift yourself a fresher mind and a healthier body!

Make the change NOW!

Warm Reagrds,

Deepa Chheda

+91 9820786856

Faculty – WAYE / Art of Living

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[esatsang] Esatsang digest for July 7 2009

Subject: [Daily Sutra} Hollow and Empty

Creation is all anxious to fulfill your desire when you become hollow and

Translations and Previous Sutras:

For esatsang list subscribes, please email from the email address that
you want subscribed.

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you want unsubscribed.

Topics in this edition

1. Next TTC (3 weeks format) in our beautiful European Ashram, Taraska, Poland,
from the 2nd to 22nd August 2009

2. International YES! & YES!+ Camps at International Art of Living Center
Taraska in Poland

3. Sri Sri Ayurveda Nadi pariksha Camp in Dadar (e) & Dadar(w). Mumbai

4.About Guru Purnima (Excerpts from talks and QA with Guruji)


From: TTCeurope Art of Living TTC Desk Europe <>
Date: Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 2:45 AM
Subject: Next TTC (3 weeks format) in our beautiful European Ashram, Taraska,
Poland, from the 2nd to 22nd August 2009

As you were waiting for a while to know when you will get the chance to be part
of this amazing adventure.

Who once felt the Grace of our Master, will never forget it !

That's your turn, it's your choice to be part of this path, to spread the
knowledge on this planet.


It all started, more than 25 years ago, when H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar first
started to share this knowledge with a group of 20 people.

And now, how many people did the course ? From how many countries ? ...and how
many have experience 'how the grace came into their life?

More than Millions and Millions....

And how many people are waiting to be part of this miracle ?
around 6 Billions....

Are we ready to be part of this river of Love ?

If yes.....
THEN, come and enjoy the next TTC :

Where : In our European Ashram, Taraska, Poland
When : From the 2nd to the 22nd of May

To apply :
Send us an email to with your name, surname, your
country, phone number, skype id (if any) and the name of your local teacher.

We will send you the invitation and application form asap.

With all our Love
Your European TTC Desk


From: Center Poland <>
Date: 2009/7/7
Subject: International YES! & YES!+ Camps at International Art of Living Center
Taraska in Poland

Hello, dear friends! :)

...while reading enjoy: ;)

It is a pleasure for us to invite You for the two amazing events: YES!+
(age:19 – 35) and YES! (14 – 18) courses at International Art Of Living
Center Taraska in Poland.

Ashram is situated in the middle of the National Park.

Nearby there is a "magic place" where two highest class of purity rivers are
merging in to the one.

Why magic? we know, but we won't tell you. :)
– Experience that yourself!!!

Dates of Summer Camps:

YES!+ 17th – 21st July 2009 (for people in age:19 – 35)

YES! 23rd – 30th August 2009 (for people in age: 14 – 18)

Price is 155 € !!!!!!!

In the Centre you have opportunity to take awesome and wonderful ayurvedic
massages and treatments,

that will give you wonderfull experience: peace of mind and body relaxation.

We are looking forward to meet all of you! ;)

Please forward this email to anyone that might be interested,

With love,

YES!+ & YES! team

Clementine Zielińska
Fundacja Art of Living Polska
Centrum w Tarasce - Biuro

Taraska 19a, 26-337 Aleksandrów k/Opoczna
tel: 00 48 44 756 90 18
fax: 00 48 44 756 90 29


From: Deepa Chheda <>
Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 11:22 PM
Subject: Sri Sri Ayurveda Nadi pariksha Camp in Dadar (e) & Dadar(w). Mumbai

Sri Si Ayurveda Nadi Pariksha

10th July Fri

@ Dadar Divine Shop
748,Parsi colony,Dadar(e),Mumbai,India

22nd July Wed

@ Lotus Clinic, Portugese Church,Dadar(w),Mumbai,India
Time: 11.30am-2pm , 4pm-8pm

For Appt call Manjuji on 24110241 / 9323306091

Jai Gurudev !
Deepa Chheda


From: harshal jadhav <>
Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 3:58 AM
Subject: About Guru Purnima (Excerpts from talks and QA with Guruji)

Jaigurudev Dear Ones,

7th July 2009 is Guru Purnima day!

Guru purnima is the day to feel grateful for the great knowledge you have
received from your master. It is time to review how much knowledge you could
ingrain in your life in past one year. This may bring about a realization for
scope of improvement which in turn will bring humility in you. Be grateful for
the way this knowledge has transformed you. Just think how you could have been
without this. There is a definite change inside you. If you cannot see any
change, then you haven't had a good look in yourself. Gratitude
and humility together blossom a genuine prayer inside you!

Guru is a tatva - an element, a quality; inside you. It is not limited to a
body or a form.

Life is an ocean of love. Flow the lamp of knowledge in it. Even let the
knowledge be flown away in the ocean of love. The ego that comes out of truth
and knowledge is dangerous. Sense of righteousness makes you hard. So in the
wave of devotion and love; you even let the knowledge get washed out.

Read More on :

Q. What is the story behind Gurupurnima?
A. - Acharya (teacher) gives knowledge and Guru gives height of awareness and
makes you alive. Acharya gives information, Guru gives intelligence, an
awakened intelligence. Mind is connected with moon. Full moon is completion,
the pinnacle. On Gurupurnima the devotee wakes up in full gratitude. Devotee
becomes like an ocean moving in itself. It's the time to come in fullness. It's
a time to celebrate. It's also called "Vyasa Purnima". Vyasa had given
knowledge on each and every subject.

So in Gurupunima you remember all gurus of the past. It is the day when devotee
arises in full gratitude, they turn back and see how they changed and developed
in the last 1 year. They assess what lessons they have learned and how they are
growing in knowledge.

It's reviewing yourself in knowledge. Mind needs to be reminded again and
again, so we review it.

Q. People blindly worship a Guru? Is it ok? Shouldn't they just worship the
A. - Why does somebody adore someone else? In college, rock star, movie stars,
sports players are adored. This adulation is part of human nature. Deep inside
it is your ability to appreciate and honor good qualities. This adulation of
Gurus has come down the ages. In the East, people took pride in their Gurus.
There was a lot of respect but it's missing in the students now. They throw
tomatoes at their teachers. We have now gone to the other extreme. When your
life is full, you get a feeling of gratitude. You start with the Guru and
end up adoring everything in life. Guru is just a beginning. In India there is
a festival in October when people worship everything from cars, scooters etc.
Everything is venerated. Divine dwells in every particle. In the East the
tradition was that before cutting a tree, you have to plant 5 more. An innocent
mind sees life everywhere. Life has to be honored, adored. If you cannot do
this, then what else is left in life? It is so dry, just eat, drink and sleep.
Whenever you praise, the praise goes to the divine. If you praise your Guru,
the praise goes to the divine. When you praise someone, you own consciousness
is expanding. So for your own sake, adore and venerate others.

Q. I feel like I want to be close to you and I don't know how. I love you.
A. - It is good, heart breaks and love flows. In the world out there heart
breaks and misery comes, but here when heart breaks, love flows and life
blossoms. Good. Just assume you are already close to me and when you are
smiling, when you do service, when you are in knowledge - you are so much close
to me. And see more and more people get the benefit of this knowledge what you
are having. Just turn back and see your life, how much it has changed as you
did the practices, the meditations, your kriya and relate to yourself the
person who was there before doing the kriya. What a big difference. Isn't it?
How many of you feel you are not the same person. Almost everybody isn't it, so
that benefit, that opening, we need to bring in others life as well, we need to
do that.

Q. How to find a guru or choose a guru?
A. - Guru is too big for you to make. If you make Guru you are bigger than the
Guru. Guru comes in your life in spite of your refusing or rebelliousness.
Don't struggle to make a Guru. Just relax. Life keeps changing. Wake up and
see. Feel grateful. Give all your garbage to the Guru. Guru makes gold out of
garbage. Guru makes a fool intelligent. It is easy to make that change because
everyone is made up of that one thing.

Q. How to become a sincere devotee?
A. - Just you have to assume that you are really sincere devotee. You give
grade to yourself. I am number 1 devotee. Nobodys like me. But dont think so
and so is number 1 devotee and Im number 2. Each one of us should say Im number
1 devotee. Nobodys like me. Then that is how the devotion grows. If you think
you are number 2, number 3, number 10, then that much, you will be away from
the knowledge. You know this problem is there with many - that after basic
course, you continue for sometime then you drop. Then afterwards it becomes
very difficult. If you do an advanced course, it will bring you back in the

Q. Guruji, you are the best.
A. - Only best can recognize the best.

Q. A devotee is very happy on getting a Guru, does the Guru feel the same
happiness in getting a devotee?
A. - Seeing your happiness he gets happiness.

Q. I want a Guru mantra from you.
A. -That is there. Sudarshan kriya is there.

Q. Guruji, show me the path.
A. - Why? Why shall I show you the path? Im not so irresponsible. Ill take you
to your goal. It's my habit. It's the age of aero planes and you are talking in
terms of bullock carts. You have sat in plane and your flight has taken off.
Now, this plane will take you to your destination, you dont need to ask for the

Q. What quality should an ideal disciple have? Do you differentiate between
A. - Dont worry so much, just be like a child, and take life with ease. Yes, I
differentiate between disciples and you are very special. Each one of you is
unique and each one is special, so everyone is different.

Q. You are so wonderful, when can I become like you?
A. - First stop attempting to become like me. Second know that I m you.

Guru Purnima Talk, (July 21st, 2005)

Mother gives the first birth to a child. We come into the world through the
mother. But second birth is through the teacher. Teacher delivers you the
knowledge and skill. Today is the teacher's, the master's day. This is the
second birth. Knowledge brings the second birth.
Whether you want it or not everybody is Guru to somebody. We either teach
others what they should do or should not do. If we do good, we are teaching
what they should do. If we do something wrong, we are teaching what they should
not do by showing see how I'm suffering, so you should not do this. Everyone is
an educator.
We all play the role of teacher, a guide, a guru ... but when the spiritual
knowledge is so total, that one is called Sathguru.
(Then Guruji conducted Guru Puja. Somebody asked about Dakshinamurthy Story.)
Haan, its a very nice story. Its about a teacher communicating knowlege to the
student in silence. True wisdom is translated in silence. We don't need all
these translators, headphones etc., But that is when we transcend intellect.
One level is through intellect and another through vibration.
When you are Guru, you are always young, never get old. What is being young ?
Young is always enthusiastic, alive, new, fresh. Its clean and fresh. Not stuck
in opinions. Non-opinionated mind. Thats the sign of a good teacher. Keep your
opinions aside. Take a fresh look at people, situations, then learning is
possible. Then you have knowledge.
Dakshinamurthy is lord shiva. He is the young teacher. Five rishis sat around
him and asked him questions. Everything was answered in silence. Thats what
happens in meditation. All five senses get knowledge in silence. Thats the
symbolism of meditation. The deeper you go, fewer are the questions... there
are no questions.
Today bundle all your problems, questions, worries, doubts and put it here.
Knowledge here on this path is here for a very special purpose. Each one of you
is a light house for many people. This one thing you keep in mind. I'm not just
somebody, I'm light, I'm glow.
With all your heart, whatever you wish today, one wish and it will come true.

With Love

Explore the amazing avenues of Yoga!

Experience the POWER Of Meditation!

Art Of Living Pune - updates

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