Sunday, June 20, 2010

[esatsang] Esatsang digest for June 19 2010

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Topics in this edition

1. Effect of Sudarshan Kriya on Breast Cancer Patients

2. Ashtavakra Gita in book form

3. Sangeetha Didi visit to bay area

4. Sri Sri Address to parents

5. Volunteer position: Website usability expert


From: Harshal Deshmukh <>
Date: Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 2:34 AM
Subject: Effect of Sudarshan Kriya on Breast Cancer Patients

We have completed initial analysis of our study initiated by Dr. Arielle Warner
; looking at the effect of Sudarshan Kriya on Breast Cancer Patients in Israel
. While we see some very interesting results we would like someone to have a
second look at our work. At this time we are inviting PhD level/ experienced
statisticians to give us second opinion. If you are interested in helping us
with this, can you quickly email and

jai gurudev,

Dr Harshal Deshmukh
University of Dundee, Scotland


From: Fred - Shankara Europe <>
Date: Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 12:39 AM
Subject: Ashtavakra Gita in book form

We are delighted to announce to everyone worldwide that the Ashtavakta Gita
talks are now available in book form.

In 1991, Sri Sri gave a series of commentaeries on what he has himself
described as "the most unique conversation that has taken place on this

Dating from the classical Vedanta period, Ashtavakra Gita is a profound
enquiry into the nature of the Seflf and reality.

The exchange between the enquirer, Janaka, and the sage, Ashtavakra, is
remarkable in its maturity and scope, ranging from the conditions required
for knowledge to be given, the nature of action and inaction, the behaviour
of the mind and how it is influenced by the five elements, to the psychology
of difficult emotions like fear and doubt.

Previously available only as DVDs or CDs, Sri Sri has now instructed that
this knowledge should be made available to everyone as a book.

This 318 pages book includes all the 33 lectures originally given by Sri
Sri in Bangalore, India.

The book can be purchased at only under the below link:

From: Srinivasan Dasasathyan <>
Date: Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 10:36 AM
Subject: Sangeetha Didi visit to bay area

5 years ago during my DSN course with Sangeeta didi in bay area, my life took a
turn :) It was just phenomenal to see that it was not just me, but there were
several others who were touched by the grace of the master through Sangeetha
Didi. Many participants from that batch went on to became teachers! After a gap
of 5 years Sangeetha Didi came back to bay area for a visit. Bay area has been
very lucky to have so many of our senior teachers (or gems of the master)
visiting us periodically. Each of these gems embodies some aspect of the
master so fully. For me Didi embodies unconditional love. I learnt so much from
being around with her during this visits. I just wanted to share them...
While all the teachers met didi during one meeting, she shared, "Every one is
looking for love and affection. Give it your students and then see not only
they become strong they will automatically contribute so much to Guruji's
vision". At that moment I saw so much of Guruji in her. I also noticed things
happenning around her as it would happen around Gurudev. In one meeting, she
just mentioned how "Blessings" is making a shift in the world and that in bay
area we should have one session in temples. And within a week we had 500 people
getting blessed in Fremont Temple so effortlessly! One more session is planned.
It reminded me of how powerful an intention is!!
We had the biggest Sahaj Course so effortlessly. At the end of Sahaj Course,
she stayed back 1.5 hours after the course to answer participants questions and
bless them, it reminded me again of Gurudev! In short, Didi's visit rekindled
the Love in me..
Do take the oppurtunity to spend time, if she visits your city (or neighboring
:) )
In Service
Love & Jai Guru Dev

From: Shiv Agrawal <>
Date: Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 11:41 PM
Subject: Sri Sri Address to parents

7 June 2010,
Bangalore Ashram, India

Sri Sri Address to parents

It is very difficult for me to talk about parenting. I have no experience. But
I can give you some ideas through observation. You have to put this into your
experience and see. If you are very orderly, children will make you chaotic.
Children are best to break your boundaries. I remember one of my uncles used to
be very strict and discipline with me and my sister very much. When he had a
son, his son started disciplining him, broke all his barriers. So, your
children teach you a lot that others may not be able to. The first thing for us
is to observe a kid, its tendencies, and the direction the kid is taking. It is
a two way journey. What do you want to learn from them? And what do you want to
teach them? Don't try to put them through your own vision. You have to share
your vision with them and persuade them if their vision is wrong. Every child
has come to this planet with certain tendencies, certain basics which cannot be
changed. And he/she acquires certain things which can be controlled. Are you
with me? It is a big exercise. If you are a very much disciplined person, child
can create chaos in your life, and they can show you your place, make you break
your barriers. We have to be very sensitive. This is one thing that we have to
keep in our mind. If you tell children not to lie, and ask them to reply a
phone call saying you are not at home, this is simply not going to work. Having
an argument in front of your children will make it worse. If you want to have
some argument between you and your spouse, you better give your children some
job, and then fight as much as you can. But by the time they come back, you
better patch up.
We encourage the tendency in children not to give things away, and holding onto
things. When that goes beyond a certain limit, we feel suffocated. We often
tell them to keep things to themselves. Then they get this tendency of holding
back. Small actions can reflect one's personality. It can be a hindrance to
one's personality. At the same time we can encourage their giving and sharing
attitude, and that can develop one's personality. So, we can do a lot in
modifying the acquired talents or personality of a kid. But you cannot do
anything with the seed that a child is born with. That will anyway come. These
two aspects we have to distinguish, and that is wisdom. And half the job is
done if you can do that. The rest half, you have to leave it to God. You have
no control on rest half. So this whole process teaches a lot of patience and
perseverance, and yet leading them to where they should be going. Giving them a
dream and persuading them to walk towards the dream is a biggest challenge in
front of parents. So, expose them to multifarious activities. This has to be
done before a child is 10 or 11. You should take the child to science, arts and
expose them to all the faculties including doing service. On one Sunday, give
them some chocolates and ask them to distribute to the poorest people. Once or
twice in an year, take them to slum and ask them to do social service. This
would enhance their personality in some unknown manner and same thing in
You have to expose them to both science and music. The left brain as well as
the right brain has to be nourished. You know, the concept of Saraswati,
Goddess of learning, is so amazing. If you look at the symbol of Saraswati,
there is a musical instrument, a book and a rosary in her hands. Book
symbolizes nourishing the left brain, the musical instrument symbolizes
nourishing the right brain and rosary symbolizes the meditative aspect. So,
knowledge, music and meditation – all three are required to make the
education complete. Then you can call someone educated and civilized. So, make
sure that children learn music and yoga. And also make sure that the children
have a scientific tempo, and they ask questions. Encourage them to ask
questions. A child starts asking questions at the age of three. Then on they
keep asking questions. Many times, they come up with questions of which you
have no answer. How many parents have this experience? They make you wonder.
They make you ponder on reality which is stunning. So, it is very necessary for
them to inculcate both music and scientific tempo.
Then see the personality of your child. See that they interact with various age
groups. How do they interact with little ones? How do they interact with the
ones who are older to them? How do they interact with someone of their own age
group? This is something very important. You can understand with this whether
they are developing any superiority or inferiority complex, or if they are
becoming introvert or extrovert. And you can play a very important role here.
Play some games with them, and encourage them to interact with all the age
groups, and we can mold their personality to a very central, talented and
flexible human being, to a personality which is free of complexes. Children who
have inferiority complex would like to interact more with the younger ones and
would try to run away from elder ones and even try to avoid their equals.
People with superiority complex try to shun the younger ones, and would only
want to relate to the older ones. They are not good communicators in either
case. As parents, you can teach them communication skills. It is very important
for them to learn how to communicate.
I want you to do an exercise. Tell to the person sitting next to you, "I
don't trust you". This is a chance to say it if it is your spouse
(Jokingly)! (After some period of time when audience couldn't do it even
after being asked upon two – three times) You cannot do it seriously. See how
difficult it is to tell someone that you don't trust him/her. It is difficult
to tell someone that you trust him/her. But it is even more difficult to tell
someone that you don't trust him/her. Did you get it? Did you notice you did
something that you never did before? You told someone that you don't trust
him/her and you start smiling. Has this ever happened to you before? Children
have a trusting tendency by nature. But somehow their trust is broken. We need
to look into that. Do they trust themselves? Do they have enough confidence in
themselves? A healthy child has three kinds of trust.

A healthy child will have three kinds of trust - Trust in the divinity, trust
in the goodness of people and trust in one self. A healthy child will not think
that everybody is a thief or everybody is bad. He/ She doesn't get into this
sort of paranoia. A healthy child knows that people are good. A healthy child
has trust in himself/ herself and trust in the unseen power of God, Divinity,
some higher power. These three types of trusts can make a child genius .These
are the ingredients to make a very talented and genius child. To nurture them,
we need to bring about these tendencies in them.
If you keep telling children that everyone is a cheat, the child loses its
trust in the people around and the society in general. Their personality,
talents and communication skills will shrink. Their interaction with people
will suffer a great deal. They become unsuccessful business persons,
unsuccessful professionals and unsuccessful artists. They may have talents but
this is the result you will get if trust in people and in the goodness of
things as they are is taken away. Today, you have many young people who want to
be entrepreneurs, but they are not successful. You know why? This is the
reason. They don't trust in the goodness of people nor do they trust in
themselves. As parents we have to build these things in a child. Do you
encourage if they come to you with complaints? What do you do? Do you
encourage the negativity? Or you mould it to something positive. You have to
play a balanced role.

Sometimes your child comes to you and says so and so is so good, and you know
that that friend of your son/ daughter is not so good. Here you have to point
out their mistakes and bring them to the center line sometimes. They get swayed
away by somebody and you know their habits are not so good, then you have to
tell the negative things. But if they are telling you negative things about
somebody, then you have to point out the positive. So, you have to have a
balancing act whenever a child swings too much to the left or too much to the
right. Do you agree with me? We create an atmosphere around us. If we create an
atmosphere of trust and children grow in that atmosphere, they become
brilliant. But, if we create an atmosphere of negativity, distrust, or
dejection, they are going to reflect and bounce the same thing on us. Having
come here today, I want to give you an exercise to do which I want you to do
every day. When you come back from work and meet your children, the first thing
you do is clap with them, or play, or laugh. It may look little artificial for
one or two days. But later on, it will become a breakthrough for you and your
kids. Sit and have food with the whole family, as much as possible, at least 3
to 4 times a week. And while having food, don't tell them they are bad. While
serving them food, don't put down their moods. There is a time to tell them
when they are wrong, never on the dining table.
Close your eyes for 30 seconds. Just suppose that everyone is telling you that
they don't trust you. Think no one trusts you. How do you feel?(After 30
seconds) Open your eyes. Bad, sad, unhappy! You know this is the atmosphere we
create- 'I don't trust you, I don't trust you' .It is an effort to
create an healthy atmosphere, I understand because your life is not only your
own children. You have so many other things; you have to interact with so many
other people. When you have no control over your own moods, it is difficult to
make a mood or create an atmosphere just for the sake of children. But we need
to make an effort. So, let us quickly go over once again. Have dinner with the
kids atleast 3-4 times in a week. And when you are having food, don't point
out their mistakes or blame them. See that their mood is uplifted. See that
their personality is developed such that they don't feel the generation gap.
They interact with elders as well as youngsters. Give them some responsibility
of youngsters and sometimes some responsibility to do something for older ones
by which you can bridge their generation gap.

Make sure that they have little bit of both science and arts. If you find your
child is too much oriented towards music and arts and doesn't care for
science, then you put in little effort to take them to science museum or make
them do some mathematics. Encourage them a little bit towards science. If they
are too much into science and mathematics, give from musical side as well. It
is not difficult to put them on musical side, because they always have musical
or artistic side to them. But especially boys, you will have to encourage them
a little more .Girls naturally have an inclination towards arts.

Engage them in some project where they are contributing, they are giving rather
than acquiring or possessing. We need to do something to inculcate this
tendency in children. Just small things, it doesn't have to be anything big.
See that they have three types of trust. Trust in the goodness of people. Tell
them the stories or good happenings in the world not just only the negative
things. Trust in themselves, encourage them. Sometimes they say, "I can't
do it". Encourage them and tell them that they can do it. And then trust in
the goodness in the society. If they grow up with the feeling of mistrust or
fear, there will be paranoia. Their personality will start shrinking, they can
never blossom, they can never be good communicators in the society. Trust the
society and trust in divinity. A little bit of ritual is essential to create an
atmosphere for children. Make them sit and do some chanting. Ask them to light
a candle a lamp, some little bit of ritual is good for them to hold on. Make
them to break a coconut or go to temple. It is important to root a little bit
of sanskara about something that is supernatural. Don't you think it is
necessary? A faith in the unknown can take them a long way. Not too much,
though, just a little bit. Make them read a few shalokas. These things will
develop their personality.
When children are very positive about their friends, give them a little
caution, but not too much. If they are very negative about some friends, show
that that there is something positive coming out there also. In this way, you
are pushing them to the center, not letting them fall on either side.
Learn from them. Don't always stand up as a teacher. But participate with
them and learn from them.

From: Harshal Jadhav <>
Date: Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 10:52 AM
Subject: Volunteer position: Website usability expert

Dear Volunteers,

The US outreach support team is looking for a trained usability consultant to
donate their time and help with the development of a global Art of Living
website system. This is a very high impact project within the foundation.
The ideal volunteer for this position will have experience in information
architecture assessment and will have done usability assessment for other
large/complex websites. In this position, you will have a high impact on not
just the AOL US website but the global website system (global AOL landing page,
country websites & local center websites). Though the time commitment might
vary, this project will need approximately 3-4 hours of your time for the next
2-3 weeks.
To volunteer for this opportunity please send your resume/ summary of
experience and phone number to We would also
appreciate if you can put us in touch with a usability consultant who can
assist us on a pro-bono basis.
Thank you for your support.
Jai Gurudev,

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